Educational Excellence, Net Zero Taxes for Homeowners

Debt-Free Schools Mill Levy
Englewood Public Schools - Arapahoe County School District No. 1

Dear Families and Staff,

Our Voters are Clear- Ballot Measure 4A, Believe in Englewood Schools Passes
Voters supported Englewood’s next generations and its education workforce - 
all without increasing taxes 

Believe in Englewood Schools, Yes on 4A, received strong voter support resulting in the passage of the Debt Free Schools Mill. This creates a long-term revenue stream to be used on new technology and maintenance needs while opening up general fund dollars to be invested in new salary schedules for school personnel, competitive salaries for teachers, and preparing students for success, all while retaining tax neutrality for Englewood homeowners. The district will now have a predictable, long-term source of funding for operations, maintenance, and technology. This will enable us to invest in competitive salaries for teachers and support staff, maintain small class sizes, and continue to grow high-quality academic programs that keep Englewood great.

It was truly a team effort, and I cannot thank the voters of Englewood enough for their support of this measure and our schools. Gina Olberding, a co-chair of the Believe in Englewood Schools campaign said, “The outpouring of support we have seen from this community and our volunteers has been astounding.” I echo Gina’s sentiments and want to thank the dedicated community members, teachers, Board members, administration, and school personnel who took the time to ensure we had a winning measure that will positively impact students and staff. Duane Tucker, Board President, was campaigning with the team through snow and cold weather with our volunteers, knocking on thousands of doors and meeting voters who deeply care about our schools and our community. Rosemary Wulf, president of the Englewood Educators Association, was instrumental in helping us organize a successful campaign as well. 

Amber Darnell, a dedicated Englewood educator at the middle school and co-chair of Believe in Englewood Schools said, “Competitive salaries for teachers and support staff will allow Englewood to retain our highly skilled and talented teachers keeping our schools strong.” Marie Hotta, Englewood parent and volunteer coordinator for Believe in Englewood Schools, shared, “I am thankful to all of the volunteers who knocked doors, staffed outreach events, donated, and worked tirelessly to help pass this measure.” Tiffany Kapler, an Englewood parent, graciously served as the treasurer for the campaign. 

We are a community that takes pride in our state-of-the-art buildings, smaller class sizes, a variety of career and technical education classes and certifications, concurrent enrollment options, and talented staff. Every day, we work in partnership with families to understand each child's gifts and needs, so we can help all students grow and succeed. Thank you for passing this Mill Levy, the first since 2016, which will allow us to keep Englewood Schools competitive with neighboring districts in a smaller setting and continue to build a new tradition of excellence.


In Partnership,

Joanna Polzin