Student Fees
Englewood Schools Annual Student Fees
Cherrelyn, Bishop, and Clayton Elementary: $15 Elementary STEAM Fee
Englewood Middle School: $25 Middle School STEAM Fee; $30 Student Activity Fee
Englewood Leadership Academy: $25 Instructional Technology Fee; $100 Student Activity Fee
Englewood High School: $25 Instructional Technology Fee; $50 Student Activity Fee. Some courses have additional fees.
Colorado's Finest High School of Choice: $25 Instructional Technology Fee; one-time registration fee of $150.
Students who apply for and qualify for Educational Benefits (formerly Free/Reduced Price Lunch) or are identified as homeless, migrant, foster, runaway, or migrant status will have their fees waived.
A complete list of 2024-25 fees is located here.
A complete list of 2025-26 fees is located here.