Englewood Leadership Academy

Welcome to Englewood Leadership Academy!

Enrollment for Englewood Leadership Academy is now open through February 5th. Englewood Leadership Academy will be accepting registration for the 24-25 school year for grades 6 and 7.  Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis, and anyone can complete our Enrollment Packet to be enrolled at ELA (as long as we have available space in our classes). 

Filling out this form indicates you would like to come to ELA next year.  Again, if we have space at the school, we will accept your student to ELA.  We will contact you within two weeks of receiving your enrollment request to confirm your enrollment. Once we reach capacity, we will add your student's name to our waitlist. 

If you reside out of district, you will also need to complete the Englewood Schools choice enrollment application linked here.  

Only complete enrollment requests will be considered. If you have questions about enrollment, please contact our Site Registrar, Annette Galindo at annette_galindo@engschools.net or 303-806-2110.

Please take a minute to review some information about our ELA traditions and what’s new this year. ELA MYTHS, FACTS and NEW.

ELA Enrollment Form: English

Lista de Inscripción en ELA: Español