One-to-One Technology

Englewood Schools is proud of its 1-to-1 iPad/Chromebook program. All Kindergarten and 1st grade students have iPads issued to them by the district. All students 2nd-12th grades are issued Chromebooks by the district. Students enrolled at Colorado's Finest High School of Choice are provided access to a cart of Chromebooks in each classroom. Combined with the abilities of a skillful teacher, we believe in the power of technology to enhance student learning. Students use iPads and Chromebooks loaded with Google Apps for Education and a selection of many other useful apps for teaching and learning.

According to Colorado Revised Statute 22-81-102: "The state of Colorado has the responsibility to provide equal opportunity in mathematics, science, and the use of technology to all Pre-K-16 students." Therefore, Englewood Schools also has this responsibility. Like the textbooks of 20 years ago, all students should have access to the curriculum. Today, much of our curriculum is delivered by digital means. This is primarily provided through the student iPads and Chromebooks. This also includes computer labs and Chromebook carts. This is why all student are required to have an iPad or Chromebook and why parents/guardians cannot opt them out of important curricular delivery tools such as iPads and Chromebooks.

 There are many great reasons for using iPads, Chromebooks, and Google Apps for Education. See references below for further information.

Pedagogical Responses to Technology in the Classroom