Dropout Prevention
Englewood Schools is committed to ensuring that all students reach their full learning potential, and in doing so, earn a high school diploma and demonstrate readiness for postsecondary education and the workforce. Englewood Schools recognizes the critical impact a high school diploma has on a student’s future, and therefore has developed tightly woven strategies and action steps to promote high school graduation and dropout prevention at our schools. The following initiatives are underway to address dropout prevention:
- Outreach services and interventions provided by Colorado Youth for a Change to students who have dropped out in order to re-engage and re-enroll them in school
- Specific identification of and targeted services to students demonstrating at-risk factors (failing grades in core subjects, low attendance, and disengagement in the classroom including behavior problems)
- High school credit recovery programs
- High School Equivalency programs such as GED provided by Spring Institute--an alternative learning environment offered at the Englewood Early Childhood Center at Maddox--serving students who desire a blended face-to-face and technology-delivered curriculum
- Implementation of Individual Career and Academic Plans for all students in grades 7-12
- Middle and high school advocacy programs for all students in grades 7-12
- Implementation of American School Counselor Association (ASCA) standards for all middle and high school counselors to ensure comprehensive school counseling services that address students’ academic, career, and social/emotional needs
- Ongoing Dropout Prevention and Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness professional development for counselors, teachers and administrators
- Expansion of PWR programs, including Concurrent Enrollment, Advanced Placement, and Career and Technical Education courses to promote rigorous and relevant learning and overall student engagement
Englewood Schools’ focus on dropout prevention will continue to deliver research-based strategies and initiatives to ensure our students graduate from high school ready for postsecondary education and the workforce. For more information on any of these initiatives, please contact Callan Ware at callan_ware@engschools.net.