Automotive Technologies

Grade Level:     11, 12

Course Length: 
Auto. Tech 1:  one year
Auto. Tech 2: one year

High School Credit:  1 credit per semester 

College Credit:

Fall Year 1:  4 credits

Spring Year 1:  3 credits


Fall Year 2:  4 credits

Spring Year 2:  3 credits


$50.00 (Includes Skills USA Registration)


Uniform (shoes, shirt, and safety glasses)

ACC parking pass required


7:15-9:10 am M-Th
9:25-11:20 am M-Th 
12:20-2:15 pm M - Th
2:30-4:25 pm M-Th - Auto Tech 2 only

This program is operated by the Sheridan School District and will follow Sheridan's district calendar to determine the dates when classes meet.


Arapahoe Community College 
5900 S. Santa Fe Dr. 
Littleton, CO 80160

The automotive shop and classroom is just south of the tennis courts on the east side of the campus in Room A1830.