Englewood Schools has engaged in deep learning around high-effect size facilitation of learning strategies. The goal is precision teaching: Knowing what strategies to use when for maximum impact [on student learning]. In order to ensure Englewood is having teachers engage in meaningful professional development that enhances instructional practice, Englewood has adopted three, high-effect size strategies. The strategies are:
- Teacher Clarity
- Metacognition
- Discussion
Englewood continues to develop a system for district-wide professional development and implementation of these strategies at all levels of the organization. Teacher clarity, metacognition, and discussion should be evident in all classrooms, district-wide.
After administrative leaders reflected on the data (student learning data and teacher instructional practice data), analyzed current practice, it was determined that the current facilitation of learning (instructional strategies) were, in some cases, ineffective for student learning. Englewood Schools committed to creating consistency across the system by training all teachers in three high-effect size facilitation of learning strategies.
Englewood’s research that was conducted was and continues to be grounded in the work of Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, Mike Schmoker, Connie M. Moss, Susan Brookhart.