State Assessment Excusal Process

The Law

Colorado state law requires every student enrolled in a public school to participate in the appropriate end of year state assessments for the grade level in which the student is enrolled C.R.S. 22-7-409(1.2)(d)(I), except those students taking the alternative test for that grade level. Linked here is the Colorado Department of Education’s web page with General Assessment Information regarding Colorado’s laws. The Englewood Board of Education has adopted policy IKA_R for parents/guardians to exempt students from participating in one or more state assessments. The list of state assessments being offered are located here.

The Process

If a parent/guardian of a student wishes to excuse their student from participating in end of year state assessments, we will need one of the following forms of documentation:

  1. Email from the parent/guardian’s email address listing the student’s name, grade level, and assessment(s) they wish to be excused from


  1. Written Confirmation - Complete the form linked below, and send to the school administrator or principal.
    1. State Testing Excusal Form

Please note that this request for exemption will only be valid for the current school year. Requests for exemption from state assessments in subsequent school years will require new written requests.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school principal or Becky Jones (

Board Policy IKA_R