
Be an Advocate for Public Education

We need you more than ever!

Funding for education in Colorado is well below the national average and, due to the COVID-19 crisis, could be at the most critical level it has ever been. Your voice and action can make a difference for students and communities who rely on quality public education and services.

Where do you want to start your advocacy?

State level Federal level


Federal Funding:

URGENT: Contact Federal Congressional representatives to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The Federal Government mandated IDEA in 1975 and promised to pay 40% of the cost per student that was covered by the mandate. However, only 15% of the cost has ever been funded even though districts are required to follow the mandate, meaning districts must use funds that could go toward other things in order to comply.

Find a sample letter as well as congressional contact information in this document so you can take action immediately!


State Funding

The status of education funding in Colorado is dire. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the state budget forecast is $3 billion short, and will translate into cuts to education. This article from CPR explains more.

From the article: "But many of Colorado’s districts already have bare-bones budgets that never recovered from the Great Recession. Since the 2008 school year, the state has withheld $8 billion dollars in total from schools in order to balance the state budget. The current annual shortfall is still half a billion dollars across the state."

Based on the current budget forecast, school districts in Colorado may need to cut an ADDITIONAL 10% from their budgets. This can mean fewer teachers, furlough days, loss of programming and/or closing schools. We need you to tell our state representatives that education should be a priority in the state's budget!



Lastly, help grow the network of engaged education supporters by encouraging others to sign up

Thank you for helping us ensure we have adequate resources to provide quality education for EVERY student.